12) In case of a boot error

If the new disk doesn't boot, messages are displayed like "NTLDR" is missing or "Boot manager missing".

This means that something during the installation went wrong. These messages are always present on the disk and displayed if it can't boot.

There is a lot to be found on the internet about bootproblems. Most easy way's to solve them:
- use windows repair disk en run repair: it tries to solve the problem;
- the partitioning tools mentioned on other pages have options te repair the Master Boot Record (MBR);

To get into the boot records themselves is only for experts. Its rather complicated.

Sometimes formatting the disk or installing again does't solve the problem.

A usefull tool to look in to the boot sector and wipe it in case the message returns is HxD:

This is only to be used on a empty disk or disk used for installation were the disk is to be formatted anyway.

Another usefull tool I found is Visual BCD Editor. Its shows the bootrecords in a userfriendly way and it enables changing or adding records:


Another way to quickly erase the disk completely without rewriting the disk:

- open command prompt with administrator rights;
- type DISKPART and <enter>; type /? to see all the options;
- type LIST DISK to see the disks attached;
- select the disk to be erased (fe SELECT DISK=1);
- execute CLEAN;
- exit DISKPART en exit commandprompt;


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