5) Plan A: restore system backup to SDD

In this case the migration strategy is: make system backup to available disk space (old drive or spare disk depending on you're situation), replace the old drive with the new drive in the laptop; restore the system backup.

Summary in 2 steps with pictures:

1) make windows full system backup 

  • old disk is in the laptop (I put it on top for the picture);
  • make full system back to old disk or to spare USB disk (not to new disk);
  • make a windows system repair CD/DVD;

2) Restore backup:

  • put new disk in laptop;
  • connect the disk the backup is on to the laptop using USB. In this case the backup was made on the old disk and it is put in the SATA USB holder;
  • boot from windows repair CD/DVD and restore backup to new disk now in the laptop;

Remove repair CD/DVD, power off laptop, remove USB disk (especially when using old disk: windows can't cope with two C: system disks connected).
And power on: should be working!

The steps to follow are (explenation in detail herafter):

  1. connect spare drive or new drive using an USB holder/dockingstation to the laptop;
  2. make a backup partiton or folder on the disk you are have enough space on: the old disk or a spare USB disk; not the new disk;
  3. make windows system backup to the partition or folder created in step 3;
  4. make system repair disk with windows on a CD or DVD;
  5. shut down your laptop;
  6. disconnect power, remove the battery pack, replace the old drive with the new one;
  7. place battery pack en connect power;
  8. start up your laptop with the systemrepair CD/DVD
  9. restore backup to the new disk;
  10. restart your laptop from the new disk;

  1. use disk with enough unused space to make backup on;


  • there is enough space on old disk: make backup to old disk using separate folder or partition (windows will give warning that system backup is made on same fysical disk). 
  • you have a spare USB disk: make backup there;
  1. make full system backup:

Use windows backup and restore in the configuration/system manager. Change the backup settings so you can enter the disk and folder you want to backup to.

If your backup process fails then look in the eventlog of the backup using the windows configuration manager. The backup proces has its own event log.

I did too but its very complicated to find the exact problem. My disk error caused all kind of error events in the backup log but none of them refered to a diskproblem. And looking on the microsoft site for the error codes and the solutions will probably get you lost even more.

There are two simple main causes:
  • disk error: thats why I mentioned this in the perperations; see page "disk error / bad sector";
  • not enought space for for the backup it self or for temporarely storage. In my case the SYSTEM RESERVED partition was to small to store temporarely data. So I expanded it from 100 MB to 300 MB. You should do this using the bootable disk of the partitioning software. Don't change system partitions while using the disk the partition is located on.
All other reasons will lead you in to sophisticated problem solving and you will have to get help from an expert or go for plan B or C.
  1. make system repair disk on a CD or DVD;

  • go to the windows configuration/system menu;
  • choose option ''make or restore backup;''
  • choose option ''make system repair disk'';
  • place empty CD or DVD in CD/DVD drive and execute.
Windows will make the DVD bootable with the software needed. Now check if the disk works. Boot from the DVD and find out if you're getting the menu. Then stop the proces. If you're laptop doesn't boot most likely the bootsequence should be changed. See page "Boot order".
  1. shut down your laptop; 

  1. disconnect power, remove the battery pack and switch disks:

    see page "switch disks". If you made the backup on the old disk, the old disk should be connected as a USB disk now. See page USB HDD holder".
  2. power off and start up your laptop with the system repair disk;

  • put the system repair disk in de CD/DVD driver;
  • start up your laptop.
  • if it doesn't boot from CD/DVD look at page "boot order".
  1. restore backup to backup partition or folder.

         Follow the instructions.
  1. remove systemrepair disk, USB disk en restart your laptop by using power off. 

Just a restart is not enough to clear internal memory. Power off will. Disconnect all your external drives and open you're DVD drive. The laptop should now boot from the internal disk. If not see page "Boot order".

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